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ESG fund insights

29 May 2024

Women's Empowerment and the Power of Education

By ESGCheck

Women's Empowerment and the Power of Education


Education is a fundamental human right and a powerful tool for women's empowerment. It is through education that women can gain the knowledge, skills, and confidence needed to participate fully in society and the economy. The transformative power of education not only improves the lives of individual women but also has far-reaching benefits for families, communities, and nations.

The Importance of Education for Women

Education equips women with the tools to make informed decisions about their lives and their bodies. It enables them to participate more fully in the workforce, earn higher incomes, and provide better health and education outcomes for their children. According to UNESCO, educated women are more likely to seek medical care, immunise their children, and send their daughters to school, breaking the cycle of poverty and illiteracy in their families (UNESCO).

Economic Benefits of Educating Women

The economic benefits of educating women are well-documented. Women with higher levels of education are more likely to be employed and earn higher wages. The World Bank highlights that each additional year of schooling for a girl can increase her future earnings by up to 20% (World Bank). Furthermore, closing the gender gap in education could add up to $12 trillion to global GDP and boost some countries' economic output by as much as 35%. Educated women contribute significantly to economic growth and development, fostering more prosperous and equitable societies.

Social and Health Benefits

Education also has profound social and health benefits for women. Educated women are less likely to marry early and more likely to have fewer and healthier children. They are better equipped to advocate for their rights and those of their families, contributing to more just and inclusive societies. According to UNICEF in some countries Girls' Education is a consistent protective factor against child marriage. Secondary education is particularly important in preventing child marriage - the likelihood of a girl marrying before she is 18 reduces by six percentage points for every additional year she stays in secondary education. Girls who drop out of school are significantly more likely to marry early, and 87% of married adolescent girls are out of school (UNICEF).

Challenges and Barriers

Despite the clear benefits, numerous barriers still prevent millions of girls from accessing education. These include poverty, cultural norms, gender-based violence, and inadequate school infrastructure. In many parts of the world, girls are expected to prioritise household duties over education or are married off at a young age. Moreover, in conflict-affected regions, schools may be unsafe or inaccessible.

Initiatives and Solutions

Various global initiatives are working to overcome these barriers and promote girls' education. For instance, the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goal 4 aims to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education for all and promote lifelong learning opportunities by 2030 (UNSDG). Additionally, organisations like Malala Fund advocate for resources and policy changes to support girls' education globally.

Local efforts also play a crucial role, such as community-based programmes that address specific cultural and economic barriers can be highly effective. For example, scholarships, mentorship programmes, and safe transportation initiatives help girls stay in school. Involving families and communities in these efforts ensures broader support and sustainability.


Women's empowerment through education is a cornerstone of sustainable development. Educating women transforms lives and societies, leading to economic growth, improved health outcomes, and more equitable social structures. While significant progress has been made, continued efforts are essential to ensure that every girl has the opportunity to receive a quality education. By addressing the barriers to education and investing in women's futures, we can create a more just and prosperous world for all.


Magellan Sustainable Fund

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Inception Dec 2020 Investors Retail

Magellan Core ESG Fund

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Inception Dec 2020 Investors Retail

Emit Capital Climate Finance Equity Fund

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