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Printed: 08 July 2024 1:23 PM

ESG fund insights

7 Jun 2024 The Potential Impacts of Divestment from the... ESGCheck
The increasing call for divestment from fossil fuels is driven by environmental concerns. However, moving towards a greener economy requires careful consideration of the short-term consequences of abrupt divestment from the fossil fuel industry by Australia's Super Funds and other investors. This article explores the potential financial, economic, and social impacts of such a decision, focusing on labour markets, economic stability, and the ability to influence corporate behaviour through stewardship.
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6 Jun 2024 The superannuation industry's $150 billion fossil... Market Forces
Out of the tens of thousands of companies superannuation funds could invest in, Market Forces has identified a global list of 190 companies doing most of the climate wrecking through their coal, oil and gas expansion plans. Market Forces' analysis of the default or largest investment options of 30 of Australia's largest super funds reveals these options have collectively more than doubled their investments in Climate Wreckers Index companies over two years, with more than $39 billion invested in the companies most responsible for exacerbating climate change.
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6 Jun 2024 Animal Testing in the Cosmetics Industry ESGCheck
Animal testing in the cosmetics industry has long been a subject of intense debate and ethical scrutiny. While some argue that it is necessary for ensuring the safety of products, others believe it is a cruel and outdated practice.
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5 Jun 2024 Beyond the Lucky Streak: Understanding the Real... ESGCheck
The gambling industry in Australia is a double-edged sword, offering economic benefits while posing significant risks to public health and wellbeing. Balancing these factors requires robust regulatory frameworks and effective public health interventions to minimise harm and support those affected by problem gambling.
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5 Jun 2024 Investing at the Intersection of Climate and... Morgan Stanley
As a warming planet affects human health, investors have an opportunity to support initiatives that address climate-related health risks and help reduce long-term costs.
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4 Jun 2024 Cybersecurity - ESG or impact? Pengana Capital Group
Cybersecurity is becoming an increasingly prominent topic. The World Economic Forum published its Global Risks Report for 2024 and cyber-attack was ranked the 5th "most likely to present a material crisis on a global scale in 2024".
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3 Jun 2024 Understanding Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS):... ESGCheck
Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) represents a vital technology in the global effort to mitigate the impacts of climate change. By capturing carbon dioxide (CO₂) emissions from industrial processes and power generation, and securely storing it underground, CCS can significantly reduce the amount of greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere. This technology is poised to play a critical role in achieving net-zero emissions and limiting global warming.
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30 May 2024 ESG Investing: Income & Financial Inclusion ESGCheck
Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) investing has emerged as a significant trend in the financial world, driven by growing awareness of the impact of corporate behaviour on society and the environment. ESG investing not only seeks to generate financial returns but also aims to foster sustainable and inclusive economic development. This article explores how ESG investing contributes to income and financial inclusion, enhancing economic opportunities for underserved populations while promoting ethical and sustainable business practices.
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30 May 2024 Employment and Vocational Training: Reskilling... ESGCheck
As the global economy transitions towards more sustainable practices, the need for reskilling workers has become paramount. Both companies and governments are actively addressing this challenge to ensure that the workforce is equipped for jobs in sustainable industries. This article explores the strategies and initiatives being implemented to reskill workers, highlighting the importance of vocational training in this green transition.
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30 May 2024 Sustainable Water Management: Ensuring a Future... ESGCheck
Sustainable water management is a critical aspect of preserving our environment and ensuring that future generations have access to this vital resource. As the global population grows and climate change exacerbates water scarcity, it becomes increasingly important to implement strategies that promote efficient and equitable water use. This article explores the principles of sustainable water management, the challenges faced, and the innovative solutions being implemented around the world.
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Emit Capital Climate Finance Equity Fund

Exclusions Inclusions

Investment Exclusions

TobaccoAlcoholWeaponsFossil fuel exploration, mining and productionHuman rights abusesLabour rights violationsEnvironmental damageCompanies that engage in tax avoidance strategiesGamblingAdult entertainment/pornography

Investment Inclusions

Renewable energy & energy efficiencyClimate action & towards net zeroSustainable water managementCircular economy, reuse & recyclingGreen propertyBiodiversity preservation & conservationHealthy rivers & ocean ecosystemsDiversity & women's empowermentIndigenous business or cultural protectionSocial & community infrastructureSustainable transport
Strategy Equity Long Geography Global
Inception Aug 2022 Investors Wholesale

Magellan Sustainable Fund

Exclusions Inclusions

Investment Exclusions

TobaccoAlcoholWeaponsFossil fuel exploration, mining and productionHuman rights abusesLabour rights violationsGamblingAdult entertainment/pornography

Investment Inclusions

Renewable energy & energy efficiencyClimate action & towards net zeroSustainable water managementCircular economy, reuse & recyclingBiodiversity preservation & conservationHealthy rivers & ocean ecosystemsDiversity & women's empowermentSocial & community infrastructureEducationIncome & financial inclusionSustainable transportEmployment & vocational training
Strategy Equity Long Geography Global
Inception Dec 2020 Investors Retail

Magellan Core ESG Fund

Exclusions Inclusions

Investment Exclusions

TobaccoAlcoholWeaponsFossil fuel exploration, mining and productionHuman rights abusesLabour rights violationsGamblingAdult entertainment/pornography

Investment Inclusions

Renewable energy & energy efficiencyClimate action & towards net zeroSustainable water managementCircular economy, reuse & recyclingBiodiversity preservation & conservationHealthy rivers & ocean ecosystemsDiversity & women's empowermentSocial & community infrastructureEducationIncome & financial inclusionSustainable transportEmployment & vocational training
Strategy Equity Long Geography Global
Inception Dec 2020 Investors Retail

ESG Check

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