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Printed: 06 October 2024 2:34 PM

Emit Capital Climate Finance Equity Fund

Responsible Investing Approach

Emit Capital's ESG screening provides the second layer of stock selection after identification of those companies meeting our climate change thematic. ESG includes environment, social and governance principles and the Manager's expectation is the companies selected for the Fund's portfolio will have a minimum score across all 3 aspects. Obviously, the environmental principle is a core component through the climate change focus however other environmental benefits are also targeted. Emit Capital's ESG screening process focuses on the following:

- Key principles it believes are important to achieving sound ESG credentials for a company;

- Specific areas of a companies practice that are avoided due to the negative impact on ESG score; and

- Developing an overall scorecard for each company based on its key ESG focus and avoided practices.

Those companies that meet the Manager's ESG principles are then considered for inclusion in the Fund's portfolio of investments. Specifically, there needs to be an alignment of the company's principles with the Manager's own baseline requirements for ESG.



The fund commits to a 0% investment in companies engaged in tobacco production, both in traditional tobacco and e-cigarettes/vaping. Similarly, no investments are made in companies related to alcohol, weapons, fossil fuel exploration, mining, production, and those responsible for environmental damage. Investments in companies involved in gambling or adult entertainment are also entirely excluded. In terms of human and labour rights, the fund doesn't solely focus on past records of abuse. Instead, it evaluates companies based on their policies and processes to safeguard workers' rights within their supply chains. Companies are measured on a percentile basis for their human and labour rights record, with a minimum threshold set at 50%. The fund actively collaborates with companies that may have past incidents of human or labour rights abuses, aiming to influence better practices through stewardship. No positions are taken on genetic engineering/GMO or nuclear power.
Exclusions Full/Partial Exclusion
TobaccoTobacco Full

The Fund does not invest in tobacco production.

AlcoholAlcohol Full

The Fund does not invest in alcohol.

WeaponsWeapons Full

The Fund does not invest in nuclear or controversial weapon manufacturing.

Fossil fuel exploration, mining and productionFossil fuel exploration, mining and production Full

The Fund does not invest in fossil fuel exploration, mining and production.

Human rights abusesHuman rights abuses Partial

The Fund manager measures each company's labour rights record which is calculated as a percentile. It has a minimum threshold with this calculation of 50%. This value does not reflect if a company has been involved in labour rights abuse. Rather it deals with the company's policy and processes to protect workers' rights as part of the supply chain. Its stewardship works with those companies that may have a history of labour rights abuse.

Labour rights violationsLabour rights violations Partial

The Fund manager measures each company's labour rights record which is calculated as a percentile. It has a minimum threshold with this calculation of 50%. This value does not reflect if a company has been involved in labour rights abuse. Rather it deals with the company's policy and processes to protect workers' rights as part of the supply chain. Its stewardship works with those companies that may have a history of labour rights abuse.

Environmental damageEnvironmental damage Full

The Fund does not invest in companies responsible for environmental damage.

Companies that engage in tax avoidance strategiesCompanies that engage in tax avoidance strategies Full

The Fund does not invest in companies that the Fund Manager considers engaging in tax avoidance strategies.

GamblingGambling Full

The Fund does not invest in companies involved in gambling.

Adult entertainment/pornographyAdult entertainment/pornography Full

The Fund does not invest in adult entertainment.


The fund actively invests in renewable energy and energy efficiency companies, viewing them as core elements of their climate finance thematic. There are no specified limits on holdings within the renewable energy and energy efficiency sectors. Additionally, the fund recognises sustainable water management as one of its four primary climate finance themes and doesn't set an upper cap on holdings within this theme. In relation to energy efficiency, the fund also considers investments in green properties, specifically targeting those with building specifications and materials designed for low emissions. Transition risk management is another critical focus area, wherein the fund analyses the Scope 3 Indirect emissions of all its portfolio companies, where feasible. The fund displays interest in the sustainable transport sector, specifically highlighting electric vehicles and related infrastructure as part of its climate change thematic. Other areas such as education, reforestation, indigenous business or cultural protection, and sustainable fashion and textiles are not prioritised in the fund's positive screening strategy.

Renewable energy & energy efficiencyClimate action & towards net zeroSustainable water managementCircular economy, reuse & recyclingGreen propertyBiodiversity preservation & conservationHealthy rivers & ocean ecosystemsDiversity & women's empowermentIndigenous business or cultural protectionSocial & community infrastructureSustainable transport

UN Sustainable Development Goals

The fund is aligned with the following UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Goal 6: Clean Water and SanitationGoal 7: Affordable and Clean EnergyGoal 13: Climate Action

Conventions & Treaties

The Fund incorporates the UN's Sustainable Development Goals into its impact analysis and supports the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures.

Conventions & Treaties Aligned
Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures Yes

Emit Capital is a supporter of The Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD).

UN Sustainable Development Goals Yes

The Manager incorporates the UN SDG's into their investment process.

ESG Score

ESG Score
Does the portfolio have an ESG score? Yes
If so, who is responsible for calculating the score? Refinitiv
If a score is calculated, is this publicly available; i.e. displayed in monthly reports, on your website, etc.? Yes
If the portfolio has an ESG score, how often is that score recalculated to account for changes to portfolio holdings? Monthly

Impact Investing Score

Impact Investing Score
Does the portfolio have an Impact Investment score? Yes
If so, who is responsible for calculating the score? Refinitiv, UN
If a score is calculated, is this publicly available; i.e. displayed in monthly reports, on your website, etc.? Yes
If the portfolio has an Impact Investment score, how often is that score recalculated to account for changes to portfolio holdings? Monthly
Does the fund publish its holdings publicly? Yes

Policies, Certification & Marketing

Policies, Certification & Marketing
Responsible investing policy View Responsible investing policy document
Proxy voting policy View Proxy voting policy document
Stewardship policy View Stewardship policy document
Is the fund RIAA certified? Yes
Date certified 22 Jun 2023
Climate Finance View Climate Finance document
Responsible Investment Report 2022-23 View Responsible Investment Report 2022-23 document
Stewardship Report 2022-23 View Stewardship Report 2022-23 document

Emit Capital Climate Finance Equity Fund

Strategy Summary

Emit Capital runs a thematic, global strategy targeting companies committed to decarbonisation. The four themes they tailor their investments to are energy transformation, energy efficiency & storage, transport & infrastructure and water management. Their top down thematic, fundamental bottom-up analysis approach focuses on identifying high quality emerging, global companies that are profiting from the structural changes identified from climate finance developments. Additionally, their analysis includes a unique factor model and an ESG and Impact Investment inclusion scorecard for each holding and the portfolio as a whole. The Fund is long only and is expected to hold between 20-50 positions at any one time.

Key Terms

Status: Open Inception Date: Aug 2019
Strategy: Equity Long Style: Growth
Geography: Global Domicile: Australia
Investors: Wholesale Min. Investment: AU$100000
Mgmt. Fee: 1.25% Perf. Fee: 20%

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