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Printed: 18 July 2024 1:18 AM

Janus Henderson Global Sustainable Equity Fund

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Responsible Investing Approach

The Manager takes labour standards, environmental, social and ethical considerations into account when selecting, retaining or realising investments. The Manager is focused on investing in listed global companies whose business activities are contributing to or benefiting from the broad themes of environmental and social sustainability. The Manager will also take into account labour standards and ethical considerations generally. The Manager's approach to investing sustainably uses both positive and negative investment criteria and considers both the products and operations of a business. Company engagement and active portfolio management are essential features of the Manager's investment strategy.



The Manager seeks to avoid those businesses involved in activities that are harmful to society or the environment. Where possible, the Manager will seek to achieve zero exposure with respect to the avoidance criteria. However, there may be instances when we will apply a de minimis limit. When the activity relates to a company's revenues, a 5% threshold of total or gross revenue is used. Where total or gross revenue is unavailable, revenue as reported by the company in its financial statements will be used. This threshold is applied to companies that have products or operations directly associated (and not including parent/subsidiary companies) with alcohol, animal testing, armaments, chemicals of concern, fossil fuel extraction, refining and power generation, animal fur, gambling, genetic engineering, intensive farming, meat and dairy production, nuclear power and tobacco. Companies involved in the direct production of controversial weapons and the production of tobacco and alternative smoking products are fully excluded from the investment universe.

Exclusions Full/Partial Exclusion
TobaccoTobacco Full

The Fund does not invest in companies that derive any revenue from the production of tobacco and alternative smoking products.


The Fund does not invest in companies that derive more than 5% of their revenues from the sale of tobacco and alternative smoking products.

AlcoholAlcohol Partial

The Fund does not invest in companies that derive more than 5% of their revenues from the production and sale of alcoholic drinks.

WeaponsWeapons Full

The Fund does not invest in companies that derive any revenue from the production of controversial weapons, which are land mines, cluster munitions, biological/chemical weapons, and nuclear weapons.


The Fund does not invest in companies that derive more than 5% of their revenues from the production of weapons.

Fossil fuel exploration, mining and productionFossil fuel exploration, mining and production Partial

The Fund does not invest in companies that derive more than 5% of their revenues from the extraction and refining of coal, oil, and gas, and companies engaged in fossil fuel power generation. Investment in companies generating power from natural gas may be allowed in cases where the company's strategy involves a transition to renewable energy power generation.

Labour rights violationsLabour rights violations Partial

The Manager will also review the Fund's investments, on a case by case basis, in light of any labour and ethical considerations researched and raised, and may take steps to realise, reduce or cease making further investments in such organisations or securities. However the Manager does not have any predetermined view, fixed methodology or weighting.

Environmental damageEnvironmental damage Partial

The Fund does not invest in companies that derive more than 5% of their revenues from the manufacture or sale of chemicals or products containing chemicals, subject to bans or severe restrictions in major markets around the world. This includes ozone depleting substances, microbeads, persistent organic pollutants, and the manufacture of any other substances banned or restricted under international conventions. The Manager also avoids companies operating in contentious industries, including cement, fishing, mining, palm oil and timber, unless the company is taking action to mitigate negative impacts.

Animal testing for non-medical purposesAnimal testing for non-medical purposes Partial

The Fund does not invest in companies that derive more than 5% of their revenues from animal testing for non-medical purposes. The Manager allows animal testing for medical purposes only where the company employs best practices in accordance with the 3Rs policy of refinement, reduction and replacement.

Unethical treatment of livestockUnethical treatment of livestock Partial

The Fund does not invest in companies that derive more than 5% of their revenues from the sale or manufacture of animal fur products, involved in intensive farming, and the production or processing of meat/poultry or dairy products or eggs, or whose primary activity involves their sale.

GamblingGambling Partial

The Fund does not invest in companies that derive more than 5% of their revenues from activities related to gambling, which are companies that own or operate gambling facilities or provide support or services to the gambling industry.

Genetic engineering/GMOGenetic engineering/GMO Partial

The Fund does not invest in companies that derive more than 5% of their revenues from the deliberate release of genetically modified organisms. Investment in companies where genetic technologies are used for medical or industrial applications may be acceptable, as well as companies that use or sell products that make use of such technologies.

Nuclear power (including uranium mining)Nuclear power (including uranium mining) Partial

The Fund does not invest in companies that derive more than 5% of their revenues from activities involved in the uranium fuel cycle, treat radioactive waste, or supply specialist nuclear related equipment or services for constructing or running nuclear plants or facilities. 

Adult entertainment/pornographyAdult entertainment/pornography Partial

The Fund does not invest in companies that derive more than 5% of their revenues from publishing, printing or distributing newspapers or magazines or distributing films or videos classed as pornographic material.


The Manager focuses on investing in listed global companies whose business activities it considers are contributing to or benefiting from the broad themes of environmental and social sustainability it also generally takes into account labour standards and ethical considerations. The approach to investing sustainably uses both positive and negative investment criteria, as well as includes company engagement as an essential part of the strategy. The ten sustainable Environmental and Social development themes relate to Environmental topics such as Efficiency, Cleaner energy, Water management, Environmental services, Sustainable transport, and Social topics, such as Sustainable property and finance, Safety, Quality of Life, Knowledge and Technology, and Health.

Renewable energy & energy efficiencyClimate action & towards net zeroSustainable water managementCircular economy, reuse & recyclingGreen propertyDiversity & women's empowermentHealthcare & medical productsSustainable transport

UN Sustainable Development Goals

The fund is aligned with the following UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Goal 3: Good Health and Well-BeingGoal 4: Quality EducationGoal 5: Gender EqualityGoal 7: Affordable and Clean EnergyGoal 8: Decent Work and Economic GrowthGoal 9: Industry, Innovation and InfrastructureGoal 12: Responsible Consumption and ProductionGoal 13: Climate ActionGoal 15: Life on Land

Conventions & Treaties

Janus Henderson is involved in a wide range of ESG-related initiatives as a member, supporter or in an advisory capacity. It is a Forum member of TNFD, a signatory of Climate Action 100+, a founder member of the Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change (IIGCC), and its Global Sustainable Equity Team was a founding member of the Net Zero Carbon* initiative in 2020. Legacy Henderson was a founding signatory of the UN Principles for Responsible Investment, joining in April 2006 when the principles were launched. Legacy Janus joined in 2014. Janus Henderson supports all 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through its Global Sustainable Equity Fund and supports nine SDGs through its carbon offset portfolio (SDG 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13, 15).

Conventions & Treaties Aligned
UN Global Compact Yes

Excludes companies in violation of the UNGC principles as part of its investment process and supports organisations that elect to become official signatories.

Principles for Responsible Investment Yes

Legacy Henderson was a founding signatory, joining in April 2006 when the principles were launched. Legacy Janus joined in 2014.

Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures Yes

The Janus Henderson Global Sustainable Equity Strategy welcomes and fully endorses the recommendations of the Financial Stability Board's TCFD.

Paris Agreement (UN Framework Convention on Climate Change) Yes

The Fund uses a variety of metrics and tools to manage and monitor the impact of climate change on the portfolio, as well as being aligned with the Paris Agreement.

UN Sustainable Development Goals Yes

Janus Henderson supports all 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through its Global Sustainable Equity Fund and supports nine SDGs through its carbon offset portfolio (SDG 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13, 15).

ESG Score

ESG Score
Does the portfolio have an ESG score? Not disclosed
If so, who is responsible for calculating the score? Not disclosed
If a score is calculated, is this publicly available; i.e. displayed in monthly reports, on your website, etc.? Not disclosed
If the portfolio has an ESG score, how often is that score recalculated to account for changes to portfolio holdings? Not disclosed

Impact Investing Score

Impact Investing Score
Does the portfolio have an Impact Investment score? Not disclosed
If a score is calculated, is this publicly available; i.e. displayed in monthly reports, on your website, etc.? Not disclosed
If the portfolio has an Impact Investment score, how often is that score recalculated to account for changes to portfolio holdings? Not disclosed
Does the fund publish its holdings publicly? Yes

Policies, Certification & Marketing

Policies, Certification & Marketing
Responsible investing policy View Responsible investing policy document
Is the fund RIAA certified? Yes
Date certified
Sustainability Report 2022 View Sustainability Report 2022 document
Holdings View Holdings document
Impact Report View Impact Report document
ESG Investment Policy View ESG Investment Policy document

Janus Henderson Global Sustainable Equity Fund

Strategy Summary

The Fund is a long only, actively managed, global equity fund. The Fund will seek to provide investors with exposure to a diversified global portfolio of companies, whose products and services are aligned to the development of a sustainable global economy.

Key Terms

Status: Open Inception Date: Sep 2021
Strategy: Equity Long Style: N/A
Geography: Global Domicile: Australia
Investors: Wholesale & Retail Min. Investment: AU$25000
Mgmt. Fee: 0.8% Perf. Fee: 0%

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