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Printed: 06 July 2024 6:03 AM

Loftus Peak Global Disruption Fund

Responsible Investing Approach

Labour, environmental, social and ethical considerations are formally integrated by the Investment Manager in the investment process, by penalising companies with poor labour, environmental, social and ethical records and/or prospects by applying a higher discount rate when valuing the company's future cash flows. This has the effect of lowering that company's prospective valuation and results in either the company being excluded from investment or included at a lower weight than otherwise. In addition, the Investment Manager may avoid investing in sectors or companies whose activities may be considered harmful to the environment and/or society. This may include, but not be limited to, specific companies whose business activities generate more than 5% of revenue from adult entertainment, alcohol, animal cruelty, fossil fuels, gambling, logging old growth forests, nuclear power, predatory lending, tobacco and weapons.

Loftus Peak identifies companies where its investment thematics align with Sustainable Development Goals. Out of the seventeen SDGs and its six thematics, the Manager has identified three consistent overlaps: energy as a technology as a contributor to Affordable and Clean Energy; Life Sciences as a contributor to Good Health and Well Being; and Connected Devices as a contributor to Safeguarding Peace. The holdings which currently meet SDG goals are outlined annually in the Manager's Sustainability Report.



The Fund has an objective of entirely excluding investments in companies that manufacture tobacco or tobacco-related products and controversial and nuclear weapons. In addition, the Investment Manager may avoid investing in sectors or companies whose activities may be considered harmful to the environment and/or society. This may include specific companies whose business activities generate more than 5% of revenue from adult entertainment, alcohol, animal cruelty, fossil fuels, gambling, logging old growth forests, nuclear power, predatory lending, selling and/or supplying tobacco and the manufacture and/or supply of weapons.

Exclusions Full/Partial Exclusion
TobaccoTobacco Full

Loftus Peak will not invest in any companies with primary business models in, or which generate any revenue from tobacco production.


Loftus Peak will not invest in any companies with primary business models in, or which generate more than 5% of revenues from tobacco supply and retail sales.

AlcoholAlcohol Partial

Loftus Peak will not invest in any companies with primary business models in, or which generate more than 5% of revenues from alcohol manufacture, supply and retail sales.

WeaponsWeapons Full

Loftus Peak will not invest in any companies with primary business models in, or which generate any revenue from the  production of controversial weapons, including nuclear weapons.


Loftus Peak will not invest in any companies with primary business models in, or which generate more than 5% of revenues from the manufacture and supply of conventional weapons.

Fossil fuel exploration, mining and productionFossil fuel exploration, mining and production Partial

Loftus Peak will not invest in any companies with primary business models in, or which generate more than 5% of revenues from fossil fuels such as oil, gas and thermal coal extraction and generation.

Environmental damageEnvironmental damage Partial

Loftus Peak will not invest in any companies with primary business models in, or which generate more than 5% of revenues from logging old growth forest.

Animal testing for non-medical purposesAnimal testing for non-medical purposes Partial

Loftus Peak will not invest in any companies with primary business models in, or which generate more than 5% of revenues from animal cruelty such as fur and specialty leather, and non-pharmaceutical animal testing.

GamblingGambling Partial

Loftus Peak will not invest in any companies with primary business models in, or which generate more than 5% of revenues from gambling including equipment manufacture, supply, services and outlets.

Nuclear power (including uranium mining)Nuclear power (including uranium mining) Partial

Loftus Peak will not invest in any companies with primary business models in, or which generate more than 5% of revenues from nuclear power.

Adult entertainment/pornographyAdult entertainment/pornography Partial

Loftus Peak will not invest in any companies with primary business models in, or which generate more than 5% of revenues from adult entertainment.


Loftus Peak identifies companies where its investment thematics align with Sustainable Development Goals. Out of the seventeen SDGs and its six thematics, the Manager has identified three consistent overlaps: energy as a technology as a contributor to Affordable and Clean Energy; Life Sciences as a contributor to Good Health and Well Being; and Connected Devices as a contributor to Safeguarding Peace. The holdings which currently meet SDG goals are outlined annually in the Manager's Sustainability Report.

Loftus Peak engages with investee companies as it believes that voting on shareholder resolutions to encourage action on key ESG issues facing companies is the key engagement method. Furthermore, it directly communicates with companies to address the ESG risks it has identified, to apply additional pressure or to clarify ambiguity in the company's current disclosures.

Renewable energy & energy efficiencyClimate action & towards net zeroHealthcare & medical productsSustainable transport

UN Sustainable Development Goals

The fund is aligned with the following UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Goal 3: Good Health and Well-BeingGoal 7: Affordable and Clean EnergyGoal 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

Conventions & Treaties

Loftus Peak is a signatory of the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment, a supporter of the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures, and a member of the Responsible Investment Association Australasia.

Conventions & Treaties Aligned
Principles for Responsible Investment Yes

Signatory of the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment.

Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures Yes

Supporter of the Task Force on Climate Related Financial Disclosures.

UN Sustainable Development Goals Yes

Loftus Peak Global Disruption Fund identifies companies where its investment thematics align with Sustainable Development Goals.

ESG Score

ESG Score
Does the portfolio have an ESG score? Not disclosed
If so, who is responsible for calculating the score? Not disclosed
If a score is calculated, is this publicly available; i.e. displayed in monthly reports, on your website, etc.? Not disclosed
If the portfolio has an ESG score, how often is that score recalculated to account for changes to portfolio holdings? Not disclosed

Impact Investing Score

Impact Investing Score
Does the portfolio have an Impact Investment score? Not disclosed
If a score is calculated, is this publicly available; i.e. displayed in monthly reports, on your website, etc.? Not disclosed
If the portfolio has an Impact Investment score, how often is that score recalculated to account for changes to portfolio holdings? Not disclosed
Does the fund publish its holdings publicly? Yes

Policies, Certification & Marketing

Policies, Certification & Marketing
Responsible investing policy View Responsible investing policy document
Proxy voting policy View Proxy voting policy document
Is the fund RIAA certified? Yes
Date certified
Proxy Voting Summary 2023 View Proxy Voting Summary 2023 document
Stewardship Report 2023 View Stewardship Report 2023 document
Sustainability Report 2023 View Sustainability Report 2023 document

Loftus Peak Global Disruption Fund

Strategy Summary

The fund aims to deliver a return over the MSCI All Countries World Index (net dividends reinvested) in AUD over the medium to long term by bringing a disciplined investment process to listed global companies impacted by disruption. The investment process involves a combination of top-down analysis with fundamental bottom-up qualitative and quantitative research to derive a risk-adjusted discounted cash flow (DCF) valuation of companies in the target universe.

Key Terms

Status: Open Inception Date: Jul 2014
Strategy: Equity Long Style: Value
Geography: Global Domicile: Australia
Investors: Retail Min. Investment: AU$5000
Mgmt. Fee: 1.2% Perf. Fee: 15%

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Australian Fund Monitors Pty Ltd
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AFSL 324476
Email: [email protected]