ESGcheck from allows investors and advisors to easily compare and research funds that include Environmental, Social and/or Governance in their investment strategy, or have a Responsible Investing or RI approach. ESGCheck provides general information educational articles on Responsible Investing, and Insights from industry sources and fund managers.
Why ESGcheck?
Investors want to make sure that their savings are being invested responsibly, and not supporting companies that are damaging the environment, and are managed in line with their values. However, there are no set "rules" to define Responsible Investing, and with over 100 funds all claiming to do so, finding funds that do is time consuming, confusing, and difficult.
Most funds list categories of industries or sectors which they exclude fully, or partially from their investment universe. Hover over the icons below allow you to see the category name, and click to see the list of funds that avoid each industry grouping.
Click Images for category details
While funds tend to be specific about areas they avoid (known as negative screening), the areas they do invest in (positive screening) can be broader. For a listing of funds which include a specific industry, category or theme hover and click on any of the icons below.
Click Images for category details
UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG's)
The UN has developed a list of 17 Sustainable Development Goals - such as Affordable and Clean Energy, Climate Action, or Life on Land - and are relevant to ESG considerations used by funds to guide their investment strategy and implementation.
ESG fund insights
8 Nov 2024Debunking a myth about fossil fuels and...Pendal Group
Exclusion of fossil fuels presents minimal challenges for sustainable bonds compared to other asset classes, writes Pendal head of credit and sustainable strategies, George Bishay.
9 Sep 2024US politics sends shockwaves through the...Pengana Capital Group
Markets love to react, and sometimes in ways not immediately predictable. The recent attempted assassination of Donald Trump had immediate ramifications for the renewable energy sector.
26 Aug 2024Nuclear and Hydrogen - is it not rocket science?Federation Asset Management
As long-term investors in infrastructure that drives the decarbonisation of economies, wetake a technology agnostic approach, developing infrastructure that directly or indirectlyreduces greenhouse gas emissions (GHG), and delivers an attractive risk-return profile.
7 Jun 2024The Potential Impacts of Divestment from the...ESGCheck
The increasing call for divestment from fossil fuels is driven by environmental concerns. However, moving towards a greener economy requires careful consideration of the short-term consequences of abrupt divestment from the fossil fuel industry by Australia's Super Funds and other investors. This article explores the potential financial, economic, and social impacts of such a decision, focusing on labour markets, economic stability, and the ability to influence corporate behaviour through stewardship.
ESGcheck enables users to search, view and compare the ESG credentials of funds either by Category, or search for individual managers or funds. Category pages are listed by industry or sector as either Exclusions (for example Tobacco or Weapons) or Inclusions (such as Renewable Energy or Green Property). We then apply a Full or Partial tag to each fund's category listings, along with a brief description where available.
ESGcheck collects each fund's ESG policies and credentials by reviewing and analysing the fund's or fund manager's publicly available offer documents such as the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) or Information Memorandum (IM), along with other policy documents relating to their ESG strategy. We avoid using the manager's marketing materials or general information on their website.